Joining ‘A Seat At The Table’ transformed my perspective on self-advocacy and empowerment. The safe spaces and discussions on systemic racism and allyship have been incredibly enlightening. This organization is a beacon of hope and empowerment for women of color.

Ismail Hussein

Program Participant

As a sponsor, witnessing the incredible impact of ‘A Seat At The Table’ on our community has been deeply rewarding. The dedication to breaking the silence on period poverty and supporting mental health is truly commendable.


Program Participant

I am endlessly inspired by the work of ‘A Seat At The Table’. Their commitment to creating change and supporting women of color in breaking barriers is essential. This organization is creating a legacy of empowerment.


Program Participant

A Seat At The Table’ is changing the narrative for women of color, offering support, resources, and a platform to address critical issues. I am grateful for the impact they’ve had on my life and the lives of many others.


Program Participant

The courage and vision of Jordan J. Coleman have inspired me to take my place at the table. This organization empowers women to shine unapologetically and to challenge the status quo.


Program Participant

As a member of the Cohort, I’ve experienced firsthand the power of collective advocacy and support. ‘A Seat At The Table’ has been instrumental in my journey of self-discovery and empowerment.


Program Participant

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